Expert Doctors Consultation & Testimony
- We maintain an extensive nationwide database of Board Certified, actively practicing Expert Physicians to assist you.
- We have experts in every sub-specialization of medicine and surgery.
- We provide outstanding expert witnesses.
- Call for case consultation 215-917-1296. Talk to your expert and check his credentials before your case is reviewed.
Jury Consultant
Jury selection is just the start of a complex medical trial. Presenting medical and legal facts in a way the jury understands is what we do best. We can come to you, or you can come to our office in Doylestown, PA for a review of your pre-trial workup. Our jury consulting service concentrates on trial preparation and strategy. We can help you guide your jury through complex medical and legal issues.
Complex Medical Issues Presented
Making sure the jury understands the medicine is crucial to winning your case. We can also help you prepare cross-examination of opponents and their experts.
Trial Strategy
We can help you prepare for your trial. Spend a day with us to develop specific cross-examination strategy of the opposing side’s experts.
We can help you prepare for depositions and in certain cases our Director, who is an attorney, may take the deposition of your defendant or their expert, as well as sitting second chair at the trial. These services are available through the separate law firm of our Director.
Deposition Preparation
Take advantage of our extensive court room preparation skills.
Our director is a doctor and an attorney
- Registered Patent Attorney (USPTO) 2003
- Temple University School of Law (Cumme Laude) 1992
- New York College of Podiatric Medicine (DPM) 1978
- Assistant Public Defender 1992-1994
Civil Litigation 1994-Present. Experienced litigator in complex civil litigation and jury trials with large damages. Licensed in PA and NJ. Our director has appeared pro hac vici in numerous states.
Extensive Medical and Legal Expertise
Call for a consultation 215-917-1296 with a doctor and experienced litigator today.

The services of Pennsylvania Physicians For Legal Review, Inc are only available to licensed practicing Attorneys for plaintiff and defense. We do not do business with the general public. If you are not an attorney or a representative of an insurance company please do not contact us. Instead please contact your local bar association for assistance.
Free Case Discussion
If you want to talk to us about your case before you engage an expert, you can speak to our Director without charge and without obligation to use our company. You may call 215-917-1296 to schedule a phone conference with our Director. Please have someone available who has a good knowledge of the facts of your case as these discussions are often quite detailed. Please understand that this is a free preliminary discussion and not a formal review of your case by an expert.